Getting an image to Docker Hub

Imagine you made your own Docker image and would like to share it with the world you can sign up for an account on After verifying your email you are ready to go and upload your first docker image.

1. Log in on

2. Click on Create Repository.

3. Choose a name (e.g. verse_gapminder) and a description for your repository and click Create.

4. Log into the Docker Hub from the command line

docker login --username=yourhubusername

just with your own user name and email that you used for the account. Enter your password when prompted. If everything worked you will get a message similar to

WARNING: login credentials saved in /home/username/.docker/config.json Login Succeeded

5. Check the image ID using docker images and what you will see will be similar to

REPOSITORY              TAG       IMAGE ID         CREATED           SIZE
verse_gapminder         latest    bb38976d03cf     13 minutes ago    1.955 GB
rocker/verse            latest    0168d115f220     3 days ago        1.954 GB

and tag your image

docker tag bb38976d03cf yourhubusername/verse_gapminder:firsttry

The number must match the image ID and :firsttry is the tag. In general, a good choice for a tag is something that will help you understand what this container should be used in conjunction with, or what it represents. If this container contains the analysis for a paper, consider using that paper’s DOI or journal-issued serial number; if it’s meant for use with a particular version of a code or data version control repo, that’s a good choice too – whatever will help you understand what this particular image is intended for.

  1. Push your image to the repository you created

    docker push yourhubusername/verse_gapminder

Alternatively, you could also setup an integration of Docker hub with your github account or organisation which allows automated builds once you push changes on the Dockerfile to your github repository.